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Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Shooting Star

My Latest art video.
Shooting Star
Way back I had a day dream of a man’s tear drop falling to earth in a shape of shooting star.
I was overcome by sadness and profound yearning. The connection materialized, exceeding boundaries. The process began with drawings in linear form in pastels on scroll format. Bearing in mind the emotive responses felt during the dream.
The art was drawn to D.J Aphrodite’s song titled “Woman that Rolls” from the album Aphrodite 1999. A befitting sensual beat for the piece.
The video was however, at a later stage assembled using various still shots of the art work to the music of Demma K. Music: “Os Sons do Inconsciente” from the album “Entre Cores e Sons” published by Demma K 2007.

©Arlene Rabinowitz

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Graphite Sketch

Graphite mark making art done to Deep Purple's Highway Star. Using different pressures of the pencil on the media with accordance to the sound that completely shaped this piece.

                                 40x24 cm
                                 Pastel on paper

Monday, 20 July 2015

Set 49

I have not yet decided to title the works I am working on, these are works in progress for a short video. But works are surrounded around the theme of trees and what they mean to me.
I used drawings to real time music (Jazz Mezzo Forte), real time and superimposed these to reference photographs from my library. These are comprised of different textures, dots and depict the shape of the lines done from the sounds of the music.

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Synaesthesia and Visual Arts

Two of my latest works exhibited
16-19th May 2015 Al Cala La Real Spain

These are the results from drawings of plants and leaves superimposed and layered
with other drawings and photographs of fire, depicting my passion for Trees and plant life.

 Spiritual Light
Mixed Media, Visual music abstract art
40 cm x 28.22 cm

Light and Space
Mixed Media, visual music abstract art
40cm x 28.22 cm

This is a section from the catalogue on synaesthesia

The art I make is directed towards the sense of hearing/ sound synaesthesia. I present the art I make via the sense of the lyrical aspect that transports the sense to the visual one. One can say, I see an image of the music heard and often the image may be a moving one. Sight is that enables me to hear sound through the artwork. The sense of sight carries with it the sense of hearing. The drawings, partly realistic part abstract, carry with them the inner voice, the hidden. My drawings are mostly a result of an intuitive reaction to the music and are done in real time to the sound. My experience of listening to sound is that I see corresponding colours, shapes, textures line and form. Each colour represents a physical attribute as well as an emotional one, which I meditate upon during the drawing process. Loudness and tempo also play a role in how I perceive sound. I am also able to see colours and shapes from hearing sounds such as bird calls and animal sounds and being in close proximity to nature. The sounds evoke smells, tastes and sensations of touch. The process has many transformations from an image to sound and each new image is created from its predecessor. Synaesthesia is an inner world where shapes appear to have sound and smells have tastes.


Arlene Rabinowitz

Arlene Rabinowitz:

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