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Friday, 3 January 2014

The method of the Dots

In this piece I worked with fine coloured dots to fill an area. The dots are evoked by music (Drawing real time) and the colours represent areas of the body and the psyche.

The method is based on the Sefirotic Tree of Life a comprehensive study that is out of the scope here.

The divine Sefirot and their allegorical colours are as follows from the top:-

1.       Crown/Keter a blinding invisible light. The sefirot of the Intellect.
2.       Wisdom/Chochma- includes all colours.
3.       Understanding/Binah – Yellow and green
4.       Loving kindness/Chesed –White/silver
5.       Strength/Judgement/Gevurah – Red/Gold
6.       Beauty/Mercy/Tiferet –Yellow and violet
7.       Eternity/Victory/Netzach – Light pink
8.       Splendour/Humility/Hod – Dark pink
9.       Foundation/Connection/Yesod – Orange green
10.   Kingdom/Physical realm/Malchut – Indigo

The dots in the study are also useful for both internal and background aspects in drawings

References: Go_d’s seven emotional attributes the rainbow collection.
The work of the kabbalist – Zeev Ben Shimon Halvei 1985 p.10-12

Arlene Rabinowitz:

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