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Sunday, 2 November 2014

Nature Art Exhibition

One of my art works (Below) was selected for a special merit award recently.
See website:

This came from many hours of observing leopards in the wild, especially when I had a chance to do so alone and undisturbed. Truly magical animals. Of course it was also painted entirely to music.


Arlene Rabinowitz

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Patterns in Nature - Abstract Art

I'm fascinated with patterns I see in trees. I have used the images which include photographs and drawings in a frenzy of rock and roll music to Deep Purple and Santana.
Here are some of the works.

Arlene Rabinowitz©

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Visual Music - Abstract - Freedom Series

I have worked on a series of acrylic based paintings which I titled "Freedom" a loose term to describe the basic sentiment behind them. All the works were done to Deep Purple's music, a band I've admired and their musicianship for decades. No matter how many times I've heard the songs, no art work yielded the same results, including the inner experience differs each time. As always I painted to the rhythm which also meant working quite fast.


I have attached a selection which are also for sale in print format.

Arlene Rabinowitz

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Poem publication and Art Exhibition

My first book of poems Set Desire has been published and can be purchased through and
They explore relationships to man and to Nature in a somewhat metaphoric way.

Two animated based photography and drawings are exhibited in the US

at the Rocky Neck Gallery it is the first digital arts show on Cape Ann, the northern tip of Massachusetts stretching into the Atlantic Ocean.
The Exhibition is curated by Otto Laske
His web site address is :

info of the exhibit at this link:

                                                             Bush Shades

                                         Palm Tree Sparks

Arlene Rabinowitz

Friday, 3 January 2014

The method of the Dots

In this piece I worked with fine coloured dots to fill an area. The dots are evoked by music (Drawing real time) and the colours represent areas of the body and the psyche.

The method is based on the Sefirotic Tree of Life a comprehensive study that is out of the scope here.

The divine Sefirot and their allegorical colours are as follows from the top:-

1.       Crown/Keter a blinding invisible light. The sefirot of the Intellect.
2.       Wisdom/Chochma- includes all colours.
3.       Understanding/Binah – Yellow and green
4.       Loving kindness/Chesed –White/silver
5.       Strength/Judgement/Gevurah – Red/Gold
6.       Beauty/Mercy/Tiferet –Yellow and violet
7.       Eternity/Victory/Netzach – Light pink
8.       Splendour/Humility/Hod – Dark pink
9.       Foundation/Connection/Yesod – Orange green
10.   Kingdom/Physical realm/Malchut – Indigo

The dots in the study are also useful for both internal and background aspects in drawings

References: Go_d’s seven emotional attributes the rainbow collection.
The work of the kabbalist – Zeev Ben Shimon Halvei 1985 p.10-12

Arlene Rabinowitz:

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