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Monday, 27 February 2012

Abstract Visual Music- Symbolic Inner Art

A Picture tells a thousand tales and an Image is engraved.

‘Two Dagga Boys’ [i]who lived to tell the tale. Evicted from their Pride. Both were shot in right temporal lobes, three years later, ceased to be.

Ecologically speaking, parasites, mites and tics and so forth are part and parcel of the environment as a whole. Man and Predators, viruses and venoms as natural conductors.  Horrendously painful but measurable in musical strokes.

Home is about radio waves, tele-collaboration effort with musicians on the theme of Basic elements that exist within a body; Rock, Water, Air and Fire, Soul and Blues, instrumental pieces that summarize both the descent into elemental matter, and transformation into Surrounding Light using basic survival skills.

For the homeless, the lodger’s, for the deaf blind and dumb visual artists who do 
not succumb to fashionable trends. Yet, continue to continue, a legacy of old.

This art work is for sale, please contact the artist directly at
Please don’t all rush at once…

[i] Wallowing in Mud (Shangaan)

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Visual Music Abstract Art - Sound Travel Project

     Conservation vs. Conversation
     Pastel on recycled Paper (3x7")
     Visual Music Abstract Art - Detail
     The perfect Garden; Landscape properties (Peripheral Borders)
     Equations; Parallels;
     Synaesthesia in the Arts, cross Modal - The House of
     Joshua (Relentless Guardians)


Schematic Approach, Preliminary drawings to music
Machine Head (Original recording)
Progressive Rock Music
From Artist' sketch Book
    Highway Star done during a flight , app. 30,000.00 feet off the ground
    Ink on Paper (3 x 4.5")

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Visual music Art work

Detail: Synaesthesia in the Arts, Fine Arts -Cross-Modal
Neon Age
Sound Travel Project
©Arlene Rabinowitz

Arlene Rabinowitz:

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